Labor Day Parades


Yesterday morning, about a dozen farm tractors, some new, most vintage, drove past our home in upstate New York. I thought they might be gathering for a parade, but it didn’t turn out that way. I tried to get photos as they drove by, but I was too slow. So, no photos. . ..

Linn, an old tractor no longer manufactured, was built here, and was used not only on farms, but in the logging industry in the Adirondacks. The people who built the Linn helped lift the area out of the horse and buggy era, and that’s what Labor Day celebrates. Linn tractors were impressive machines, with a combination of wheels in the front and tracks for the rear.

I think parades are one of the things that typify village life. They are likely to include a high school band or two, maybe an honor guard of American Legionnaires carrying the national flag, and possibly a few floats as well. Of course, there will be a line of fire trucks, and participants will toss candy to the kids lining the sidewalks.

In a small city in Connecticut, a bunch of people decided to do their own parade when the official one was cancelled. They got out on bicycles, and carried boom boxes (portable radio/tape players) on their shoulders. It went over so well, it became an annual tradition. For our village, I think a string of farm tractors is ideal.

Would my series protagonist, Bobby Navarro, be likely to participate in a parade? I doubt it. I don’t think I’ve ever read a murder mystery in which the protagonist takes part in a parade. But, maybe if there were fifty other Harley riders in it, he might. What do you think?

New Web Site – New Blog

Welcome to my new blog site – Glenn Nilson

Recently, I decided to combine my blog with my web site. I’m hoping it will be easier having everything together. I intend to keep my blog posts along the same theme as before: love of the outdoors, love of motorcycle riding, camping, cooking, and sourdough. In addition, just as I started my former blog as a means of sharing my book promotion tour along Route 66, on occasion I intend to use this blog to talk about my writing interests and activity.

I appreciate your visit to my new blog, and hope you’ll take a moment to check out my whole web site. As the weather warms up I’m already looking forward to what the outdoors has to offer this summer. I hope you’ll join me.

Glenn Nilson

Sacred Campfire

I understand and respect the need to protect our forests and open areas. It means the guttering flame of a small camp stove may become more symbolic of experiences for some than the smells of wood smoke and the glowing embers of a campfire. Hopefully, we will be able to enjoy campfires most places we take in on treks we take in the future.

I like to keep my campfires small. It’s easier to find adequate wood for a small fire, uses less of it, and you can huddle over, or near, a small fire to cook or warm up. I think small fires are less likely to get away from a camper and ignite a forest fire. On many hikes and cross-country ski runs, I’ve built a small fire to heat water for tea or soup. With small, dead twigs, it’s easy to build a quick fire, and just as easy to handle the remains when finished.

I understand fire was (and probably still is) considered a sacred gift to Native Americans. It’s hard to think of a more valuable one. I’ve been camping in wet, snow-slushy weather trying to get damp wood to provide a campfire and down to one match. Not often-but it happened once. That fire was greatly appreciated when I achieved it. Which brings me to thoughts about fire-building materials.

I grew up using wooden matches that would ignite when struck on almost anything, including my jeans. I learned to dip the heads in my mother’s clear fingernail polish to make the waterproof. The polish also the matchsticks a little extra zip. Now there are propane torches for lighting barbecues. I wonder how often they are also taken into the back country to start a fire? I have one of those survival bars you can scrape with a knife blade to produce a generous shower of sparks for starting fires. You can also use the knife to shave off bits of magnesium to use as tender. It works well. At the very least, it’s a terrific backup.

You know what also works well for tender? The cotton wads you can find in medicine bottles ignites very readily with a spark. Cotton is certainly light and packs down easily. I think it’s another must for backup fire-making material. If you are familiar with milkweed, the dried pods and fluff ignite extremely well from a spark. Of course, the cotton or milkweed pod is pretty much part of an ignition system. For the rest, you need slivers and small sticks of wood, of course, and if you’re in an area with birch trees, the resinous bark of birches is fabulous as starting tender.

I love the smell of birch wood burning, but I love the smell of cedar even more. I have many memories of evenings cooking on a campfire, and hours spent staring into the glowing embers while talking with a companion. I look forward to my next campfire, and hope you share my love for them. Thanks for visiting my blog. I’m sorry not to have any photos to share. I have been have been unable to insert them into my blog for some reason.